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Sender's Address in a Business Letter

Don't write your address if you use paper with a ready-printed sender's address.

If you write your own address, only give the following information: house number, street, area code, place, country, telephone. (Don't include your name here; in English the name is only put at the end of the letter.)

Note: The order for sender's addresses in English is: house number, street, area code, place. If the order is different in your culture, keep to the structure used in your country, don't adopt the English way.

British English

Position: In British English, the sender's address is usually placed in the top right corner of the letter.

American English

Position: In American English the sender's address is usually placed in the top left corner, below the date, or at the end of the letter, below the signature..

Sender's address below the date:

Sender's address below the signature:

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